Hi Marty,


Each of your documents has an Include statement at top of file.


For instance

<?PHP include('Reports/report_queries/Expired_Insurance_Qry.php'); ?>


The queries reside on your server under k9bytes/Reports/report_queries


Here is a section of the .php query:

$search .= " FROM AIC_Standard_Loan l\n";

$search .= " LEFT JOIN AIC_Investors i ON l.i_Inv_Num = i.i_Inv_Num\n";

$search .= " WHERE\n";   # Deal is not paid yet blank

if($Exp_Term > 0) {

                ### Do these if and expterm has been passed

                $search .= " ((l.l_Date_Paid = '') AND (l.INS_Prop_Expiration_Date >= " . $Today_Epoch . ") AND (l.INS_Prop_Expiration_Date < " . $Comp_Epoch . ") AND  (l.INS_Prop_Expiration_Date != ''))\n"; #First and second prop not expired

                $search .= " OR ((l.l_Date_Paid = '') AND (l.INS_2nd_Prop_Expiration_Date  >= " . $Today_Epoch . ") AND (l.INS_2nd_Prop_Expiration_Date < " . $Comp_Epoch . ") AND  (l.INS_2nd_Prop_Expiration_Date != ''))\n"; # But either will expire before ext date


                $Report_Title = "Insurance Will Lapse On These Loans on (" . $disp_cepoch . ")";


else {

                $search .= " ((l.l_Date_Paid = '') AND ( l.INS_Prop_Expiration_Date < " . $Today_Epoch . ") AND  (l.INS_Prop_Expiration_Date != ''))\n"; # No expterm has been sent or they expired

                $search .= " OR ((l.l_Date_Paid = '') AND ( l.INS_2nd_Prop_Expiration_Date < " . $Today_Epoch . ") AND  (l.INS_2nd_Prop_Expiration_Date != ''))\n"; # No expterm has been sent or they expired

                $Report_Title = "Insurance Has Lapsed On These Loans";